Last update:
Current version:
Latest beta snapshot:
1.8.2b576 |
Installation on a standard PC (CD-ROM version) Installation on a standard PC with the CD-ROM (+ floppy disk) version
requires the following steps:
- download the ISO image
- burn the ISO image onto a CD-R (or -RW)
- FreeBSD (ATAPI recorder): burncd -s max -e
data cdrom-xxx.iso fixate
- Windows: use your favorite burning program (e.g. Nero) to record
the ISO image (2048 bytes/sector, Mode-1)
- take a standard 1.44 MB diskette or a USB flash drive (m0n0wall 1.3+ only) and format it (with
an MS-DOS/FAT file system!)
- 1.44 MB floppy disk
- FreeBSD: fdformat -f 1440 /dev/fd0 &&
newfs_msdos -L "m0n0wallcfg" -f 1440 /dev/fd0
Note: you can omit the fdformat step if the floppy disk is
already (low-level) formatted
- Windows: format A:
- USB flash drive
- Windows: use Windows Explorer to format the drive (FAT32)
- power up your PC, enter the BIOS and make sure that booting from CD-ROM
is enabled and booting from floppy disk is
- insert CD-ROM and floppy disk (do not write-protect the floppy disk!)
- boot
- wait for the console menu to appear, select 1. (assign network ports)
- assign functions (LAN/WAN/OPT) to your interfaces (hint: use auto-detection, or let the MAC
addresses tell you which card is which one)
- change the LAN IP address, or use the default (;
m0n0wall acts as a DHCP server by default)
- access the webGUI (user: 'admin', default password:
- make the necessary changes to the default configuration