Last update:
Current version:
Latest beta snapshot:
1.8.2b576 |
Tools & resources This page will list useful tools and other resources that can be used in conjunction with m0n0wall. If you think you've got something that belongs on this page, mail
- IFRAME HTML/JS template for viewing multiple graphs at once
Contributed by Mark Cunningham <mcunningham at mdsc dot info>.
- m0n0backup NEW
Windows tray application for creating dated m0n0wall configuration backups and for
rebooting m0n0walls. Contributed by Aleksandroff <aleksandroff at bookvoed dot ru>
- BMonitor - Portable SNMP bandwidth monitor
Displays a bandwidth/packet rate graph for any m0n0wall interface. Uses SNMP.
- Config backup batch file for Windows (+ wget binary)
An example of a batch file to be used for creating dated m0n0wall configuration backups on Windows machines. Comes with
wget binary. Contributed by Anders Dahl
- Observium
Observium is an autodiscovering PHP/MySQL/SNMP/CDP based network management system focused primarily on Cisco and Linux/BSD networks.
Has some m0n0wall-specific features.
- AdvancedRM
AdvancedRM is a free, small and lightweight network monitoring utility for SNMP enabled devices (including m0n0wall).
- m0n0wall Backup Script
Another (Perl) script to backup the configuration from multiple m0n0walls.
Supports HTTP and HTTPS, maintains old configs for a configurable number
of days and allows configs to be compressed. Contributed by Richard Harvey.
- Remote backup script
A script to remotely backup your m0n0wall via HTTP(S). Contributed by Kaspar Lyngsie
Or use this improved version that allows the remote port to be changed.
- monomon
A m0n0wall monitoring client for Windows. Can display a traffic graph for any m0n0wall interface. Uses SNMP.
- WallWatcher
Firewall log analysis tool for Windows that supports m0n0wall.
- myNetWatchman
Global, centralized firewall log analyzer/security event aggregator. Can be used with WallWatcher.
- WAN reconnect script
A script to force reconnection of PPPoE on WAN (useful if your ISP initiates a forced disconnect
every 24 hours and you don't want it to happen during the day). Contributed by
Andreas Fink
Windows version
- m0n0wall IPSEC VPN Auto Updater
This PHP script by Daniel Morante makes it possible to use IPsec VPN tunnels between
two m0n0walls that both have dynamic WAN IP addresses.
- iVPN
A GUI for Windows XP's integrated IPsec support.
- kaos.theory: Armor Your Palace
A guide to securing your home and home network with inexpensive hardware,
open source software (including m0n0wall) and about 8 hours of dedicated time.